Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Ruby on Rails: to learn or not to learn

 Is Ruby alive

The Ruby language and the Ruby on Rails framework are no longer as fast-paced as they were a few years ago. The hype has subsided, there is no rapid growth. A lot of the right things have already been done, and these things are being adopted by developers of other frameworks in other languages. In general, the language is alive and will live. Other languages ​​are far from Ruby and "rail" in some respects. Somewhere Ruby is better, somewhere worse.

On the expediency of studying

I've never looked for a job that requires knowledge of another language, so it's hard to compare. My ruby ​​friends all work, they write in Ruby. There are many vacancies for rubists both in Russia and abroad. There is work with relocation and remote work.

Many products are created in Ruby, the owners are not going to rewrite them in another language. Therefore, it is easy to find a job. An important point is that Ruby programmers get more specialists in other languages. It is difficult to find a rubist, so businesses poach programmers with knowledge of other languages ​​and retrain them.

So yes, Ruby is worth learning.

Is Ruby on Rails suitable for beginners

Ruby is a language like the rest. It is important to study the base. I think that you can learn programming in any language if you have a ba...